Do you have the desire to impact the life a single mom but don't have the time, or haven't quite figured out how? Our Adopt-a-Mom program pairs individuals, community or family sponsors and our corporate partners with low-income single parents participating in our Client Progression Program. As a sponsor you will be able to support single mom’s journey onto paths of sustained self-sufficiency to increase her quality of lifeand that of child/children.

      Your financial support helps cover her program expenses for wrap around services that help single parents increase their income, stablize their lives and build capacity to better provide for their families. Though there are no cookie cutter solutions, we coordinate person-centered services to offer solutions to concerns that arise as the Mom navigates her personal GPS plan with us through the Client Progression Program...

Our program participants typically receive assistance with any of the following while in the program:

  • Career skills training certifications     
  • 2nd chance College scholarships
  • Housing insecurity                                     
  • Car gifts of transportation or auto repairs                  
  • Emergency expense stipends             
  • Food insecurity                                       
  • Wellness & self care
  • Community resources, referrals and volunteer opportunities
  • A wealth of capacity building training in financial literacy, entrepreneurship,  homeless prevention, tenant education and soft skills development.

One of the most compassionate components of adopting a mom is mentorship, this can be done directly and indirectly if you choose to have direct mentorship included. Enjoy seeing your dollars at work without having to ever exchange your personal information with the participant. Communicate through our Client Progression portal, get updates on their progress and even find out what they learned in their last CPP session. Either way, A Grateful Mind’s team does the heavy lifting, ensuring that moms are held accountable for their progress through the program and that you know how your investment into that Mom impacts her life.

Adopt-a-Mom today, you’ll learn their stories, and get updates to help you witness their transformations towards a better quality of life. You'll even be invited to help celebrate their milestones and achievements if you're able to attend. A single Mom juggling everything to often feel like they've accomplished nothing but barely staying afloat will have greater opportunities for growth in life, all because you decided to get involved.

Adopt A Mom Now

Contact us to request a call to discuss the getting starting with the Adopt-A-Mom program. You may mail us directly to learn more

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