$10,000+ Annually

Co-sponsors five Client Progression single parent participants

for: career certification, support services + car

Listed on website+program promos+one event

$5,000+ Annually

Co-sponsors two Client Progression

 single parent participants

for: career certification, support services + car

Listed on website+program promo

$2,500+ Annually

Co-sponsors one Client Progression participant

for: career certification, support services + car

Listed on website+program promo

$1,000+ Annually

Co-sponsors one Client Progression participants

for: career certification & support services

Listed on website+program promo

**Funds will be used to support Client Progression Program. "For" is an example of how funding will be implemented (direct program expenses).**

 About our Corporate Partner Program...

 Are you a company who has a heart for the challenges that individuals and families face when they're trying to emerge from hardship? 
If so, you would be an ideal Corporate Partner.  A Grateful Mind is dedicated to preventing and ending cycles of poverty and homelessness using a holistic approach to addressing root causes. Through partnerships, we engage a network of for-profit and non-profit business enterprises to create opportunities for housing, employment and education to help individuals transition from homelessness and poverty struggles on to vibrant levels self-sufficiency. 

Making the decision to once again pick up the broken pieces in a world that is constantly changing, and often does not forgive when a mistake is made can be scary to individuals already with significant barriers to affordable housing and employment.  Set backs such as unexpected emergency expenses that result in losing a job, outdated/lack of skills training,  personal illnesses, becoming a caregiver for a elderly parent,  poor credit history, lack of rental history and extremely low income, are all the disheartening conversations we have with our Client Progress Program participants as to why they feel stuck, unable to increase their quality of life. 

A Grateful Mind provides crisis relief within a unique model that encourages the participant to reset their life's "GPS" through three channels: capacity building, education (career vs. job) skills training and compassionate, person centered support services.This model gives survivors and their families an opportunity to thrive with a village of support – in mind, body, spirit and finances. It is journey that we embark upon with the single parents, one that we're excited to have you partner in to kick start their success.

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